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On this webpage you can find all information about the student representation in the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science. We represent the interests of the students in the fields of mathematics, computer science and data science towards the faculty and organize events for the students. We further try to provide useful links which are supposed to make the transition easier for you. Feel free to contact us or to pass by on one of our meetings. Hint: We are currently working on translating the webpage, but that is a lot of work. Please understand that not everything is available in English yet. We also plan to try to make student representation more accessible for people who do not speak German. Feel free to get involved with your ideas.

We are looking forward to hearing from you!
Your Student Council of the Faculty (Fachschaftsrat - FSR)

P.S. If you know of a better and preferably shorter translation for ‚Fachschaftsrat‘, we would be glad to hear about it.



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