
Programming competitions

Our programming competition group is primarily concerned with competitive programming. We coordinate participation in competitions and training sessions for them. We also organize our own small events.

However, programming competitions can be very diverse. In addition to competitive programming, these also include hackathons or even obfuscation competitions.

Future dates

Programming Advent Calendar 2024 - December 1st, 2024 to December 25th, 2024
Our Fachgruppen are organizing a programming advent calendar this year. From December 1st to December 25th, there is a task to solve every day. Check out the separate page for more information.

Past events

Here is a small overview of past events that we have organized or participated in.

NWERC 2024 – 22.11. – 24.11.2024
We participated with a team at the NWERC in Delft and took 42nd place, with 8 out of 13 problems solved. A total of 80 teams from several countries in northwestern Europe took part.
The results can be viewed here: https://2024.nwerc.eu/main/scoreboard/

GCPC 2024 – 22.06.2024
The University of Göttingen took part in the GCPC this year with seven teams and took 19th, 24th, 40th, 53rd, 69th, 72nd and 80th places.
The results can be viewed here: https://gcpc.nwerc.eu/results

GCPC 2023 – 17.06.2023 The University of Göttingen participated in GCPC this year with four teams, achieving ranks 15, 19, 47, and 74. We are very pleased with these placements, especially as two teams solved 7 problems, and our team with first-time participants solved 3 problems.

CodePong – 10.06.2023 The Code-Pong tournament took place on Saturday evening during the GIT event. …

Hack your Studies – 21.04. – 23.04. The Computer Science Student Group organized a hackathon with the theme „Hack your Studies.“ The topics were specifically about projects aimed at improving everyday student life, either by extending or enhancing existing platforms or by creating new tools. On 16.04., there were a few lectures and workshops on tools particularly useful for hackathons. For all newcomers to hackathons, this was a great opportunity to get an insight. Some project ideas were also specially designed for hackathon beginners. Feel free to bring your own project ideas as well!

Wintercontest 2023 - January 28th, 2023
This year’s winter contest was a complete success for our group. With 5 teams of three people each, there were more participants from Göttingen than in a long time. There were even 4 first-semester students among them.
A total of 74 teams from all over Germany took part. The best placement from Göttingen is 20th place with 5 solved tasks. We are also particularly pleased with the other places 31, 38, 39 and 42. This means that all of our teams solved 4 tasks and ended up at least in the middle of the field. We are pleased with the stable performance, but are encouraged to solve even more tasks in future competitions.
Here are the results: https://wintercontest.io/results

Programming Advent Calendar - December 1st - December 25th, 2022
Our subject groups are organizing a programming advent calendar this year. From December 1st to December 25th there is a task to solve every day. Take part and have the chance to win a few small prizes. Check out this page for more information:

The programming advent calendar was a very successful campaign. We are delighted with the large number of participants and are already looking forward to next year. Congratulations to the winners!

NWERC2022 - November 25th - November 27th, 2022
We took part in the NWERC in Delft with two teams and came 93rd and 114th. A total of 140 teams from several countries in northwestern Europe took part.


GCPC2022 - June 25, 2022
This Germany-wide competition is a kind of preliminary round for the following NWERC in November 2022 and thus also the World Finals 2023.